24 star and show win best awards in Emmy

Kiefer Sutherland and the hit US ‘real-time’ thriller 24 has won best drama and actor awards at the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles last night.

Collecting the two awards, star Kiefer Sutherland (playing CTU Agent Jack Bauer) said his experience on the show had been “nothing but remarkable”.

Sutherland’s best actor triumph follows four unsuccessful nominations for 24 in consecutive years.

“Every once in a while you’ll have an evening that just reminds you that you’re given too much,” he said. “This is that evening.”

So congratulations to Kiefer and the show’s success. I’m so happy to see the Canadian actor winning the award for Best Actor in a Drama, after missing out four times… Kiefer’s portray of the troubled government agent is compelling and his performance in the previous season (Day 5) is considered the best of the series so far.

As for the show, I’m proud to see this top qualify drama has been awarded as Outstanding Drama Series. Fantastic!

The real-time element, split-screen political thriller series has been a great success over the past five years and I believe the main story and characters are the strongest part to keep the viewers entertained on Jack Bauer’s nightmare day.

Looking forward to the next series of my favourite show (Day 6) as we will find out what happened to Jack Bauer.

Source: Emmy Awards

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