Film pitch to Hollywood stars

Normally we record the latest episode of the eMagi Podcast on a Friday night. But I’ve notice not many members of the Eternal Sunset forum was online via Skype. So Yas and I decided to record a special edition of the podcast featuring a really silly voice provided by yours truly. And the conversation involves me pitching a film idea to David Hasselhoff, Sylvester Stallone, Matt Damon and Jerry Bruckheimer!

The film is a video game adaption of ‘Chase HQ’. It features three main characters. Two bent cops who have special feelings towards one another. They drive around in Detroit looking to ram into people from behind… The villain is the driver in a getaway car waiting to be bang.

The show format involves me making fake phone calls. I pulled off my silly voice (to get into the character) and Yas couldn’t stop laughing! It was quite enjoyable as we improvised the scene and hopefully this podcast episode will be release soon.

Leaf on the pilot episode of the Eternal Sunset Podcast

After recording last Friday’s Eternal Sunset Podcast, it was quite a nice surprise to recieve an email from Yas featuring the pilot episode. Yas did a really good job on the editing/post production side based on the recording made through Skype. He even sampled and remixed my voice as the theme tune to welcome the podcast! 😉

Despite being around 15 minutes long (after recording one hour worth of material – the karaoke bit was cut out…), it was a pleasant experience to hear it. The topics we talked about were surreal and my sense of humour made it very memorable and amusing.

Yas mentioned that this is only a rough cut and that sound effects were needed. I wrote him an email back providing my feedback on the podcast. Hopefully other members enjoyed it as well.

Anyway, we are now working on recording a new one immediately. And I have already submitted some new topics to talk about in the next podcast. Should be fun! 🙂

Eternal Sunset Podcast

Last Friday night (August 11th), we tried to record our Skype conversation as a podcast for Eternal Sunset. But it didn’t go according to plan as Skype was experiencing lagging and we didn’t prepare enough material to talk about… so instead we just improvised some stuff, talked briefly on Chase HQ and it’s gay references and in the end, we started singing!

But in the end, it was a good way of rehearsing for the real thing as we should have planned what to talk about and have a script to follow. Only Mike and I were brave enough to talk while everyone was listened in. We should be more relaxed about this and don’t feel the pressure or become shy just because it’s recording…

In fact, once the recording session was over, everyone was more confident in themselves and the conversation was more interesting/amusing than the podcast itself! But at least, Yas recorded around 1 hour worth of (good?) material to edit on. Looking forward to hearing it later!

Anyway, we need to work on the next – proper – one with some topics to talk about and include some sound effects to make it more entertaining.

Photoshop challenge

On the Eternal Sunset forum, there are two threads challenging members to create some adverts for the Nintendo Wii and possible film posters featuring video game characters. Well, this looks like fun I thought and spent the next few minutes producing my masterpieces in Adobe’s Photoshop CS2.

My first image is a believable press advert to promote Nintendo’s new console, Wii. Playing around on the idea of a ‘hands on’ approach with the Wiimote and the slang for pleasuring yourself… In addition, included one of my favourite character in Super Monkey Ball. Nice.

The second image took me a while to do – finding the required elements on Google, adjusting the filter features in Photoshop – but the end result looks fantastic. Based on a movie I like. 😉

I wonder what everyone wil say about my Photoshop skills?